New Educators

Educators at eligible schools can shop for free school once per quarter through WV Resource Center's four programs.

Eligible staff includes Pre-K - 12 educators, Principals, Directors, Assistance Principals, Media Specialists, School Social Workers, School Nurses, Guidance Counselors, and Long-term Substitutes with a letter from the Principal.

FREE Store

WV Resource Center's brick-and-mortar FREE Store address coming soon. Doing your visit, you'll come in, grab a cart, and select all the supplies you and your students need!  From basic core supplies, there's a ton to choose from at WV Resource Center.  See you at the store!

Mobile FREE Store

The Mobile FREE Store will be available to all 55 school districts served by WV Resource Center, which will make it easier for educators who work furthest from our FREE Store to receive free school supplies. You’re invited to shop at the Mobile FREE Store when it visits your school district.

Mobile FREE Store calendar will be coming soon

Curbside Pick-Up

Looking for speed and convenience? Place your order online for a wide range of free school supplies, schedule your pick-up time, and drive up during your appointment window. Don’t forget to put a sign with your name and school in your window!

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