Access Fee

Individuals may now begin self-registration! Please click the link below to proceed.

  • If you have an existing account from previous years, simply log in to continue.
  • If you are registering for the first time, please create a new account.

Please note:  The access fee will increase from $15 per teacher to $20 per teacher if payment is made after July 31, 2025.

Register Here For 2024 - 2026 School Year

For a list of frequently asked questions regarding access fees, please refer to the link below. Should you have any additional inquiries, wish to receive a cost estimate for your entire school, or are interested in your individual historical shopping data, please contact Caitlin Philpott at WV Resource Center Customer Service via email at

  • Why is WV Resource Center implementing a fee?

    Due to recent price increases, WV Resource Center has experienced a significant reduction in financial support from a corporate partner, prompting us to explore alternative funding sources. This process has involved seeking additional grants and pursuing corporate sponsorships.

  • Is this decision ideally?

    No. After conducting extensive research, we found that several Teacher Resource Centers across the country have successfully implemented a fee model. Some have operated with a fee structure since their inception, while others transitioned to it more recently.

  • Will teachers be required to pay the fee if the school, district, or sponsors do not cover the cost?

    While we aim to minimize any financial burden on teachers, there may be instances where they are required to pay the access fee. To alleviate this, WV Resource Center has provided school administrators with suggestions and resources to help cover the fee for the entire school, ensuring no single funding source or the school’s budget is overwhelmed. This also presents an excellent sponsorship opportunity for organizations such as PTO/PTAs, school education foundations, and local businesses.

  • Will the store be accessible to additional schools and teachers beyond those that currently qualify?

    No. WV Resource Center plans to continue serving schools across all 55 counties in West Virginia, where 50% or more of the student population qualifies for free or reduced-cost lunches through the USDA. Our focus is not on expanding the number of schools we serve, but rather on enhancing the services we provide to those already qualified.

    Access will remain available to full-time certified teachers and other eligible school-employed personnel from these qualifying schools.

  • How many times does my access fee allow me to shop?

    The fee covers up to 10 shopping trips per school year, one per month from August through May.

  • Will there be items that are limited on items in the store?

    Yes. Shopping limits will still apply.

  • Will on-line order be an option doing the complete school year?

    Online ordering will begin the second Monday in August, with the first orders available for pick-up the following Monday. Online ordering will remain open throughout the 2024-2026 school year. For more information about online ordering, please refer to the details provided.

    NOTE: Placing an online order for pick-up WILL count towards that month shopping.

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